Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dresses. From that really really hot place no one wants to visit.

And I don't mean Death Valley because I know for a fact that people willingly and happily travel there for fun and entertainment every year. What possesses people to think 130 degrees F IN THE SHADE sounds like "something to experience" I will never understand.

No, I mean That Other Place.

The blue dress was *barely* completed on time. Wow, what a bunch of issues! The fabric had awesome drape, but raveled horribly and of course I had to pick out the seams a bazillion times... because... I had some minor fitting issues. *ahem* Moving on.

Simplicity 2724-- slim skirt, no ruffles and the stand-up collar option
Of course I am slouching all weird in this photo. I was in a pre-coffee state.

It is a comfortable dress and I like it... I think. I got lots of compliments and people looked genuinely shocked when I told them I made it... not sure how I should take that, exactly, but for today we are going to think positive! No dwelling on thoughts like 1) people have an extremely low opinion of my sewing skills, or 2) why I would bother to make a hideous sack like that?

I learned some new skills... side lapped zipper. Bound buttonholes. Oh, and I hand stitched the hem. *shudder* I loathe hand sewing. I really, really do. Sorry. Oh! I didn't really like where the waist seam lined up on the dress... it sort of cut me in half in a weird, non-flattering way... so I made a little belt/waist band and I think it worked out quite nicely:

back detail of the belt where I sewed bound buttonholes. Fancy, I know! *smirk*

The princess' dress (Hot Pink Pre-teen Prom Dress from Hell) didn't exactly come off without a hitch either, but... people? Getting that thing done, as a surprise no less, was a miracle on par with Moses parting the Red Sea. No joke. Except I didn't drown a whole legion of Egyptian soldiers... but come to think of it I do put up with more than my fair share of murmuring in the Wilderness. *sigh* A day in the life of Mrs. Lyons.

Simplicity 4721
You can also see the "petticoat" I made for her peaking out here. She was a bit less than thrilled. Oh well.
Can't win 'em all, I guess.

Did I just compare sewing the HPPtPDfH for my nine year old daughter to Almighty God delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt? I think I did. Hmmmm. What does that say about me?? That was a rhetorical question, don't answer that.

awww, a matching hair clip!!!

Over all she was pleased, I think. I made her a hot pink satin sash, but she didn't really like it... I'm assuming this because she kept asking me things like "what else can I do with this, Mom?" I won't share my replies.

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