Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer-y Circle Skirt

skirt-- McCall's 5431
top-- "Jewel" from Custom Knits by Wendy Bernard

I sewed this skirt up a few years ago... I really like this pattern, I've made it twice. The other version I made has the coolest pockets... but I'm not as happy about the print I chose for that one. Maybe I should make another one...

The top though... um. Well. Not the happiest about my yarn choice. I thought I was doing good, but no, it turned out bad. It sort of reminds me of a washcloth. Using a hand knit washcloth to do dishes? Good. Wearing a hand knit wash cloth? Bad. But alas, as I only have ONE white "summer" top, I wear it. Yes, this situation will be fixed. Soon. Here's the  Ravelry page with more pictures and my notes.

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